IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine


Table of Contents

Year-2021 | Volume: 6 | Issue 1

Clinical and radiological parameters among COVID deaths in a tertiary care COVID hospital

Author : Ramakrishna Rachakonda, DVC Nagasree, Chakradhar Bolleddu, Kironmagi Abbhri, Bhavanarayana Jannela, Omar Pasha, Aruna Talatam

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijirm.2021.004   Page No : 18-23

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An early experience of Itolizumab with best supportive care in the treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 patients: A retrospective study

Author : Hemant P Thacker, Dnyaneshwar Halnor, Amit Dhekane, Nivedita Wadhwa, Shalaka Patil, Bhavesh Gandhi, Janardan Nimbolkar, Ajit Avhad

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijirm.2021.005   Page No : 24-28

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Post-COVID pulmonary mucormycosis- A case report

Author : Vijay Kumar Chennamchetty, Sowmya Adimulapu, Balaji Patel Kola, Michelle De Padua, Ambika C, Mahendra Kumar Verma, M. V. Raghavendra Rao

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijirm.2021.014   Page No : 62-66

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