Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) is very small (30–1000 nm) membrane-bound vesicles, also called extracellular vesicles (EVs). MVBs are secreted from intracellular matrix through the blending with the plasma membrane. MVBs also released from different cells types under normal and abnormal situations. Interesting, MVBs hold complex of delivery molecules, contain proteins and RNAs, and communicate this message to nearby cells to alter immune system, cell death, formation of blood vessels and inflammation. Previous studies reported that MSC-MVBs act as anti-inflammatory effects in many inflammations associated infection by delivering the complex of cargo molecule (miRNAs and immunomodulatory proteins) to macrophages. MSC-MVBs may promise used as an innovative stem cell free therapeutic to treat HS-induced lung injury. 1, 2, 3 MSC-MVBs can be innovative therapeutic option for the T/HS patients. Need to be attention.
Journal Information
Journal ID (nlm-ta): Innovative Publication
Journal ID (publisher-id): Innovative Publication
Journal ID (journal_submission_guidelines):
Title: IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
ISSN: 2581-4222