Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 196-202
Background: Tuberculosis is a global problem. However, the impact on the countries of Africa and Asia is really devastating. The countries like India which comes under high burden countries with TB, the prevalence of TB in the nation’s capital and at a large district in the west Delhi has not been reported so far in the medical literature. The present study is a retrospective study and data will serve as a tool to formulate new or modify already existing guidelines and devise methods to control and eradicate TB from the urban population.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective descriptive study at the Chest Clinic Moti Nagar from 2010 to 2015. The data were obtained from the quarterly reports freely available on the internet.
Results: There has been a steady rise in the diagnosis of various types of TB cases falling under DOTS and DOTS-Plus strategies of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.
Conclusions: The RNTCP is the best solution to the problem of TB. The role of well trained and dedicated staff inclined to solve the various problems associated with the TB patients is very important.
Keywords: Aerosol; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; TB; WHO.
How to cite : Yadav S, Rawal G, The recent trends in tuberculosis in the urban population of Western Delhi- A detailed report from a large center. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2018;3(4):196-202
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