Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 18-20
Background: The present study was carried out to observe the relationship between total IgE levels and spirometry in asthma.
Methodology: The study was carried out in KBN Hospital Respiratory clinics OPD. Total 100 patients with asthma symptoms were taken in study, with no other systemic disorder. Serum IgE levels were measured by ELISA technique, value >100IU/ml were taken as positive, spirometry was conducted on all patient by using USB spirometer according to ATS standard data were analyzed.
Results: We included 100 patients of asthma in our study, serum IgE levels varied markedly showing IgE levels-90% (50% >100IU/l and 40% >400IU/l) of IgE levels were more than 100IU/l and 10% were less than 100IU/l spirometery showed 60% were having FEV1/FVC%>80% and 40% were <80% (<60%-15% and 25%-80-60%).
Conclusions: The mean percentage of predictive value of FEV1/FVC is significantly low in high IgE levels. It was concluded that serum IgE levels increase, as the severity of airflow obstruction increases.
Keywords: FEV1-Forced expiratory volume; FVC-Forced vital capacity; Immunoglobin-E.
How to cite : Arif G, Farheen A, To investigate the relation between total IgE levels and spirometery in asthma. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2018;3(1):18-20
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