Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 60-64
Hyper-lucent one sided lung syndrome or Swyer James Macleod syndrome is uncommon entity. Sometimes it might be associated after bronchiolitis obliterans infections occurring during earlier part of life. Resultant Pulmonary hypo perfusion because of incomplete or absent development of the pulmonary arteries resulting in a reduced amount of blood flow in lungs is a characteristic feature of it. Typically, this disorder is diagnosed incidentally in recurrent childhood respiratory infections evaluations or occasionally it may follow a silent course only to be diagnosed at adulthood. Here, we report a case in a 70-year-old male person with Swyer James Macleod syndrome incidentally diagnosed while workup for a COPD differentials who presented with dyspnoea on exertion, cough with expectoration. Hence this case highlights the importance of computerized tomography in the diagnostic workup of a case of hyper-lucent lung. All smokers presented with breathlessness and huperlucent lungs may not always be an emphysematous COPD cases. It could be a case of COPD with SJMS though extremely rare. Hence should be thoroughly investigated.
Keywords: Bronchiolitis obliterans; Pulmonary artery abnormalities, Swyer-James/MacLeod syndrome; Unilateral hyper-lucent lung
How to cite : Mohan V, Bhushan B, Devi S, Kaur R P, Bhatnager A, Hyper-lucent one lung syndrome - MacLeod syndrome: A rare case associated with COPD. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2017;2(2):60-64
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