Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 79-86
Background: Bronchiectasis is a common but neglected chronic lung disease. There is paucity of data from Southern India regarding the clinical, radiological and microbiological profile of patients with bronchiectasis.
Materials and Methods: To study the clinical profile, radiological pattern and microbiological flora in patients with bronchiectasis in a tertiary care center in South Kerala. A descriptive cross-sectional study done in 41 patients over 1 year.
Results: This study comprised 41 patients, of whom 18 were males (44%) and 23 were females (56.1 %), with a predominant population pertaining to 61-70 years (51.2%). Majority were non-smokers (65%, N=27). Most common cause was post-TB bronchiectasis (34%, N=14). Predominant symptoms were cough (73.2%, N=30) and sputum production (70.7%, N=29), predominant clinical sign was crepitation (73.1%, N=30). Majority had PFT showing obstruction (60.97%, N=25), among which 48% (N=12) had severe obstruction. Radiologically, most common CT pattern was cystic bronchiectasis (46.3%, N=19), predominantly located in lower lobes (63.4%, N=26) with bilateral involvement (65.9%, N=27). was the most frequently isolated organism (43.9%, N=18) followed by (29.3, N=12).
Conclusion: Most of our patients were females and post TB bronchiectasis was the leading cause of bronchiectasis. Cough and sputum production were the most common symptoms. was the commonest pathogen isolated from sputum samples. Spirometry showed obstructive pattern in majority of patients and cystic bronchiectasis being most common radiological pattern.
Keywords: Bronchiectasis, Clinical profile, Radiological pattern, Microbiological flora
How to cite : Sunny S, Ninan M, Clinical, radiological and microbiological profile of patients with bronchiectasis in a tertiary care center in South Kerala. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2023;8(3):79-86
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Received : 13-06-2023
Accepted : 26-08-2023
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