Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2023
Article Page : 24-27
Atopic symptoms are a commonly encountered presentation the pulmonology, dermatology and medical outpatient visits. Identification and avoidance of the precipitating factors is important in the management of these patients. Clinical history usually doesn’t give a complete picture of the spectrum of allergen sensitivity. Skin prick Test is described as a safe technique in identifying some obscure precipitating factors that might be worsening the clinical scenario.This is a 6 month cross sectional study conducted in a research institute in central Kerala among 31 chronic urticaria patients during May to October 2022. Skin prick testing with 30 common food allergens was done.Among the 31 subjects studied 26 (83.87 %) had allergy to foods (90 % among males and 80 % among females). Dal Urud (35.35 %) was the found as the most frequent food allergen, followed by pea (25.8 %), fish, rice and wheat (22.7%). Dal Arhar, Milk and fennel seeds were found to be the least common food allergens.Apart from minor itching and redness, none of the subjects developed significant reactions following the test.This study underlines the importance and safety of skin prick testing in patients with chronic uricaria. In this study it was found that more commonly used foods in Kerala like rice, dal urud were more sensitive.
Keywords: Food Allergy, Atopy, Skin Prick Test, SPT
How to cite : Anuja R, Midhun M, Food allergen sensitivity in atopy. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2023;8(1):24-27
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Received : 20-11-2022
Accepted : 24-04-2023
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