Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 12-15
Mediastinal masses in pediatric patients are very heterogeneous in origin and etiology. In the first decade of life, 70% of the mediastinal masses are benign, whereas malignant tumors are more frequent in the second decade of life. Among the mediastinal masses, lymph nodes are the most common involved structures and could be enlarged due to a lymphoma, leukemia, metastatic disease, or due to infectious diseases as sarcoidosis, tuberculosis and others. We report a mass located in the superior aspect of middle mediastinum mass in 14 year old boy who presented with features of dyspnea, flushing of face on lifting of arms, anorexia and chest pain. After detail history, clinical examination and imaging modalities it was diagnosed as hydatid cyst of lung which was closely associated with(in close relation with) middle mediastinum abutting trachea and arch of aorta on medial aspect and superior vena cava superiorly.
Keywords: Cyst; Hydatid; Lymphoma; Mediastinum
How to cite : Sinha R, Nema D, Venkatnarayan K, Dalal S, Hydatid cyst of lung mimicking as mediastinal mass – A diagnostic dilemma. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2016;1(1):12-15
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