Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 104-107
When the Indian Government announced a nationwide lockdown on March 24, 2020, the lives of Indian people were changed immediately as people started shifting to a different way of living. Therefore, to assess the impact and effect of the nationwide lockdown on the health status and lifestyle habits of the general population, this study was conducted on a sample size of 70 people based in Lucknow. The participants were administered a questionnaire with questions on their diet, lifestyle habits and health. Data was then analysed using Microsoft Excel. The results showed significant changes in the daily routine and habits of people during the lockdown. Lifestyle changes such as increase in snacking, smoking and consuming alcohol could lead to future problems such as increase in the development of non-communicable diseases.
Keywords: COVID19, Lockdown, Lifestyle changes, India
How to cite : Shukla S, Kumari N, Jemima D, Singh A, Kant S, COVID-19 lockdown – Health and nutritional status of the general public in Lucknow. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2022;7(3):104-107
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Received : 02-09-2022
Accepted : 14-09-2022
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