Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2022
Article Page : 39-42
Paraquat is a rapid-acting herbicide widely used in many parts of the world. Although it is considered safe when exposed to the body surface, ingestion of this substance is highly fatal. Organ damage is caused by the production of free radicals and the depletion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). Multiple organs are involved in the damage, particularly organs requiring high blood flow like lungs, heart, kidneys, and liver. There is no proven effective antidote for the poisoning, and it is nearly 100% fatal. Here, we report an 18 years old young male presenting with pneumo-mediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema with pneumo-peritoneum after paraquat ingestion, which is a rare presentation of paraquat poisoning.
Keywords: Intoxication, Paraquat, Pneumomediastinum, Pneumothorax, Subcutaneous emphysema
How to cite : Sivaselvi. C, Upadhya P, Moorthy A, Balamurugan. N, Manju. R, Jayabharathi. B, A rare cause of subcutaneous emphysema with pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum in a young adult: Paraquat poisoning. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2022;7(1):39-42
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Received : 03-02-2022
Accepted : 30-03-2022
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