Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 54-57
Background and introduction: A new strain of corona virus emerged during the month of December 2019, in china particularly from theWuhan city. Majority of the patients presented with atypical pneumonia in Wuhan city, which later contributed this atypical pneumonia is due to novel coronal virus and named it as SARS-CoV-2 virus. Chinese authorities later investigated that the virus was originated from whole sale food and meat market in Wuhan. Many of the initial patients were wet market sellers, stall owners and regular visitors of the market
Aims and objectives of the study: 1. To find out CO-RADS scoring of patients diagnosed as COVID-19 positive by RT-PCR. 2. To find out chest CT-scan findings in of patients diagnosed as COVID-19 positive.
Methodology: The present study was an Observational cross-sectional study of patients suffering from COVID -19 infected patients affected with corona virus (COVID-19) at Katuri Medical College and Hospital, Guntur, during the period of 6 months from April 15, 2020 to October 15, 2020.
Total of 567 patients included in the study based on the prevalence of COVID-19 infection in India.
Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria used to study the patients in the study.
Results: Among 567 patients included in the study, CO-RADS Scoring system patients were divided into 6 categories. Among them 17 (2.9%) patients belong to CO-RAD-1 group, 188 (33.1%) patients were diagnosed with RT-PCR as COVID-19 infection belonging to the score of 2-3, 310 (54.6%) patients with CO-RADS 4-5 and 7 patients with CO-RADS. 52 (9.1%) patients were categorized to CO-RADS-6. The most common chest CT features of patients having COVID-19 infection is ground glass opacities which constitute 80.65 % (457/567), interlobular septal thickening found in 60.2% (341/567) patients. Linear opacities constitute 55.4% (314/567), consolidation which constitute 59.7 % (338/567). Crazypaving pattern is seen in 29.3% (166/567) of the patients followed by honey-comb pastern of opacities found in 19.4% (109/567) patients Left lower lobe is predominantly involved in 79.38% (450/567) patients followed by left upper lobe involvement in 73.5% (416/567) patients. On right lung, right upper lobe involvement present in 52.4%, right middle lobe in 56.7% and right Lower lobe is involved in 70.4% (399/467). Bilateral lung involvement is present in 75.39% (427/567)
Conclusions : Majority of the patients 310 (54.6%) belong to CO-RADS score of 4-5. Most of the patients were having lower lobe involvement on both sides of the lung when compared to the upper lobes and majority of the patient’s showed ground glass opacities and consolidations with air bronchograms when compared to minority of the patients presenting as lymph node enlargement and pleural infections.
Keywords: COVID19, RTPCR, Corona virus.
How to cite : Kumar P V K, Vivekanand Y , Cross-sectional study of chest CT-scan findings in patients affected by SARS-CoV-2 in a tertiary care health centre in Guntur Andhra Pradesh. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2021;6(1):54-57
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Received : 15-01-2021
Accepted : 12-02-2021
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