Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 37-39
Background : There have not been many studies evaluating the relationship of Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) levels with former smoking and it is still not clear whether the effect is independent of alcohol drinking. This study was performed to evaluate the association between smoking status and serum GGT concentration.
Methodology : One hundred and twenty participants were incorporated in the research. All the subjects were separated into 2 groups. Group 1 consist of 60 volunteers with habit of smoking. Group 2 consist of 60 volunteers without the habit of smoking. Four to 6 ml venous blood was reserved from all character by disposable syringes. The samples were instantly centrifuged for (10) minutes at 3000 round per minute, and the serum gained was analysed straight.
Results: The findings specified that the smoker group classify as moderate smoker group. The findings acquired specified that the mean serum GGT activity was (23.49 3.39 IU/L), in smokers group. This value was superior significantly to that acquired in non-smokers group (12.92 2.73 IU/L) (p<0>
Conclusions: Significant augmented action of GGT in smokers appears to sustain the injurious effects of cigarette smoking. Supplementary findings are essential to explain the alliance among dietary and existence factors and serum GGT activity.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Liver diseases, Smoking, Serum GGT.
How to cite : Thakkar K P, Panchiwala J S, Effect of tobacco smoking on the enzymatic activity of serum gamma-glutamyltransferase. IP Indian J Immunol Respir Med 2021;6(1):37-39
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Received : 09-01-2021
Accepted : 15-02-2021
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